Flatmate - Hammarby Sjöstad
ID: 14074
Du måste inte vara utlänsk, jag förutsätter att de flesta svenskar kan läsa engelska. Mejla gärna på svenska, om du föredrar det.
67 sqrm, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom and big balcony. Built 2009.
Fully furnished
100Mbit fiber internetz connection
Washing & Drying machines, Dishwasher
3DTV, Surround Sound, XBOX360 and Media Streamer in living room
Located in 'Hammarby Sjöstad', a new and modern neighbourhood. Right next to 'Tvärbanan' station Sickla Udde, and there's also a bus that goes to Slussen. Only a 10 min walk to 'Henriksdal', where plenty of busses from Slussen pass 24/7 (5 min trip) - great when getting home late at night. There are plenty of restaurants nearby, and two food stores (Coop & Lidl).
More info found at: http://www.stockholmshem.se/Nyproduktion/Inflyttad-nyproduktion/Hammarby...
The room is 10 sqrm, with bed, desk & chair, wardrobe and some other drawers. It's the room marked in green on attached drawing of appartment.
I have a first-hand lease on the appartment, and the landlord is one of the big county-owned companies (Stockholmshem). There will be a proper rental contract signed by both parts, with a mutual termination time of 1 month, changed to 2 months after a 6 month period. Deposit will be one months rate, which will be returned when you move out. The rent is high, because the appartment is new (you will be paying half).
Electricity, heat & water included.
I'm 26 years old, born and raised in Stockholm. Currently working as a controller, at a large company. I have lived and studied twice in China, both times sharing an apartment - and both times it turned out great (the living, that is). No particular hobbies, but I like music (indie rock & progressive house), travel, and hanging out with friends (drinking beer and playing xbox). I'm fairly laidback, so I don't expect you to be completely quiet.
You are: a dude (Sorry, ladies - easier this way)
You are: aged 23-28
You are: not a full-time smoker (balcony is only reachable from my bedroom).
I would prefer if you are staying in Stockholm longer than one semester
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